KVKK Aydınlatma Metni

KVKK Illumination Text
When you visit our website ("https://www.basco.tech/") (the “Website”) of our company Ekinler Endüstri, Ltd. (Basco) (the “Company”), in order to improve the user experience of our website, to ensure the productive operation of our website and to enable you to use our services in the best possible way, we use cookies on our website and your personal data is processed by using those cookies. 

The law number 6698 on protection of personal data (KVKK) and the other relevant legislation specify some procedures to be followed by the persons concerned while processing the personal data. As required by the law on protection of personal data and the other relevant legislation, our company acting as a data controller must inform you about the processing of your personal data. 

This informative text has been prepared for informing you on the cookies used while you are visiting our website, your personal data processed by using those cookies and the processing of your data. 

1. Your personal data processed by using cookies:

“Personal Data” is the information that can help our company to identify you directly or indirectly. 
In this context, when you visit our website, your personal data of a general nature is processed, such as cookie records, business information, IP address of exit, website visit records/date and time, route records, IP address of arrival, the serial number/mac ID of your computer when you visit our website with your personal computer, the serial number/MEI of your mobile phone when you visit our website with your mobile phone, status/position information such as URL or requested file or error messages.

2. Definition of Cookies:
Cookies are very small text files usually consisting of letters and numbers that are stored on your computer by the scanners of the websites you visit. Cookies are created by the servers that control the websites you visit. This way, when the visitor visits the same website again, the server can recognise him/her and the website is opened more quickly.

Our company may use some unnecessary cookies in addition to the necessary cookies that are essential for proper operation of the website. Our company use those cookies not for following or describing the visitors but for obtaining useful information to continue to improve our website/services for our visitors. Our services are supplied thanks to the information obtained from the systems using those cookies.

3. Types of Cookies: 

a. Types of Cookies from the Viewpoint of Use 

The Cookies that are used necessarily: These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the website. These cookies are necessary to control the system, avoid false operations and the website does not function correctly if they are prevented.

Function Cookies: These cookies are used to offer you a better and easier use. They fulfil functions such as remembering your previous choices, easy access to certain website contents.

Analysis/Performance Cookies: These cookies provide us with data to analyse how the website functions, to see which pages are preferred, which pages are visited most frequently, to understand the traffic of visitors to our website and to help us provide services based on this traffic. The corresponding information is stored anonymously by the cookies.

Targeting/Advertisement Cookies: These cookies are used to help us identify contents, including the contents of advertisements that are of interest to you and to present them to you. 

b. Types of Cookies from Viewpoint of the Storage Time:

Permanent Cookies: These are cookies stored in the personal computer until a certain date or until the day they are deleted by the user. These cookies are often used to measure the movements and preferences of users on the website.

Session Cookies: Their purpose is to ensure the security and continuity of your visit in addition to the provision of services by third parties, in particular advertising services on the website, and to increase the efficiency of these services.

4. Cookies used on our website:

a. Necessary Cookies processed by our company:

These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the website, and the website does not function correctly if they are prevented. This category contains only the cookies providing principal functions and security features of the website. 

Cookie Purposes End of the utilisation period
dtCookie It tracks a visit among more than one requests. It is deleted as soon as you close your browser.
dtLatC It measures the delay of the server for follow up of the performance It is deleted as soon as you close your browser.
dtPC It is needed for determining the suitable extremity points for Beacon transmission; it contains a session ID for correlation. It is deleted as soon as you close your browser.
dtSa Inter storage for page turning actions. dtSa cookie is used for user’s action names for opening sessions on different pages and recording the users’ action such as pressing.  Because the page loadings are resulted in reloading the JavaScript code and therefore it is needed to store all the contextual information in cookies this process is necessary. It is deleted as soon as you close your browser.
dtBw Measurement of the band width. It is deleted as soon as you close your browser.
rxVisitor Visitor ID in order to establish connection between the sessions. It is stored for two years.
rxvt Session timeout. It is deleted as soon as you close your browser.
 (Clientcontext And Profiledata)
It enables us to record your choices during your visit to our website. It will be deleted as soon as you flush your cache memory (or one year after your visit to the website).
(Cookie Layer)
This cookie stores your permission given for use of the cookies. It will be deleted as soon as you flush your cache memory (or one year after your visit to the website). 
Session Persistence
 (Cookie Disclaimer)
This cookie stores your acknowledgement and consent for any disclaimer on our website. It will be deleted as soon as you flush your cache memory (or one year after your visit to the website).
TS Thanks to this cookie we become able to distribute the demand loads of our users over the servers. It ensures that our website obtains a stable and well-balanced structure. It is deleted as soon as you close your browser.

b. Analysis/Performance/Advertisement Cookies processed by our company: 

These cookies provide us with data to analyse how the website functions, to see which pages are preferred, which pages are visited most frequently, to understand the traffic of visitors to our website and to help us provide services based on this traffic. 

Whereas the advertisement cookies are used to help us identify contents, including the contents of advertisements that are of interest to you and to present them to you.

Those cookies can be used and processed only upon your explicit content and they are stored by Google.  


Name of Cookie Supplier Purpose End of utilisation time
__utma Google Analytics It is used for distinguishing the users and their audiences. When the Javascript library operates and when the Javascript library is operated the utma cookies are created. When the time information is sent to Google the cookie is updated each time. It will be deleted as soon as you flush your cache memory (or one year after your visit to the website).
__utmb Google Analytics It is used for identifying new sessions/visits. The cookie is created when the Javascript library operates and non-existing utma cookies start to exist. When the time information is sent to Google the cookie is updated each time. It will be deleted as soon as you flush your cache memory (or one year after your visit to the website).
__utmc Google Analytics It is not used in the ga.js. set for usability with urchin.js. It is used in connection with the utmb cookie to determine whether a user is in a new session/visit or not in the course of time. It will be deleted as soon as you flush your cache memory (or one year after your visit to the website).
__utmz Google Analytics It stores the traffic source or campaign describing how the user accessed your website. The cookie is created when the Javascript library operates and when the time information is sent to Google the cookie is updated each time. It will be deleted as soon as you flush your cache memory (or one year after your visit to the website).
__utmv Google Analytics  It is used for storing the information with the visitor level traditionally variable. When the developer uses the visitor level traditionally variable together with setCustomVar method this cookie is created. This cookie is used also for the __setVar method which is not used any more, when the time information is sent to Google the cookie is updated each time.  It will be deleted as soon as you flush your cache memory (or one year after your visit to the website).

5. Purposes for processing personal data by cookies: 
• To carry out information safety processes and communication activities (legal reason: under the reserve of not harming the rights and freedom of the person concerned, the obligation to process the data for legitimate interests of the data controller) and within this context; 
• to realise principal functions needed for proper operation of our website. 
• to take necessary measures for the website in order to ensure the legal and commercial security of our company and of you, 
• to carry out advertisement, marketing and analysis activities (legal reason: the obligation to process the data for legitimate interests of the data controller /explicit consent of the visitor) 
• to analyse our website and to increase its performance. For example: to determine the number of visitors of our website, to make performance adjustments accordingly and to make easier for visitors to find what they are looking for. 
• to increase the functionality of our website and to provide easiness for use, for example: remembering the previous queries of visitors in their following visits. 
• to improve our website, to supply new features through our website and to personalise those features according to your choices,  
• To realise targeting and advertisement activities, for example displaying the advertisements related to the interest areas of the visitor. It is processed in accordance with the provisions of KVKK and the relevant legislation.

6. Legal Reasons for Processing Personal Data by Cookies and the Method of Collection:

Your personal data processed by necessary cookies are processed for obligation to process that data for legitimate interests of the data controller under the reserve of not harming the basic rights and freedoms of the person concerned, and the analysis/performance/advertisement cookies are collected and processed by cookies automatically in electronic media only if you give your explicit consent and

7. Reason for transferring the personal data processed by cookies and place of transfer: 

Your collected and processed personal data is transferred: to the supplier of technological services/supplier in order to obtain information technology services and to the competent state institutions and organisations in order to fulfil our legal responsibilities. 

In relation to the analysis/performance/advertisement cookies our company uses the analysis service Google Analytics supplied by Google, Inc. (“Google”). In order to receive that service the related cookies and your personal data processed by those cookies are transferred to Google and they will be stored in data centres of Google at abroad. 

8. Your rights under KVKK: 

The 11th article of KVKK (Law on Protection of Personal Data) regulates the rights of the owners of personal data. You may submit your requests in writing to our company’s address written below or to the electronic address https://www.basco.tech/ in accordance with the Communique on the Procedures and Principles on the Application to the Data Controller” or by other means indicated in the relevant legislation.

9. Contact Information of Our Company acting Data Controller: 

Trade Name:
Address: Eski Büyükdere Cad. Maslak İş Merkezi No:37 Kat:9 34398 Maslak Sarıyer İstanbul / TÜRKİYE
Telephone: +90 (212) 485 09 55
E-mail: info@basco.tech

KVKK Application Form